La Maison Orphee
Maison Orphee products are only made with the highest quality fruits and seeds. We don’t compromise on quality. And we don’t compromise on the care in our methods either.
In the tradition of authentic master oil makers, all of our oils are the result of the patient work of slow pressing, the only way to extract the best from oil seeds. La Maison Orphee has over 30 years of expertise in the production of first cold-pressed oils. In addition, we have been working in collaboration with producers in Europe and North and South America. We visit them on a regular basis in order to exchange information and expertise. We also build privileged relationships with nutritionists, scientists, chefs, chemists and biologists in order to improve our knowledge and offer products that meet our highest standards.
About the Brand
Our knowledge begins with the careful selection of our raw materials. We value quality in our products and, to ensure this, we perform several tests regarding GMOs, yeasts and molds. In addition, the cleanliness of our equipment, the training of our teams and the temperature control during oil production contribute to our quality workmanship.
Our Quebec-made oils are cold-pressed. This process implies no preheating. The pressing of the seeds is done at a temperature which varies according to the oil content in the seeds and the hardness of the seeds. In addition, it is carried out at low speed. Indeed, using a higher speed would put too much pressure and would cause heat, and therefore a lower quality oil. It is patient work carried out in the way of the greatest oil masters. Maison Orphée integrates methods of artisanal oil maker and new production techniques into its processes.
At Maison Orphée, we believe that a healthy and tasty meal is one of the keys to bringing out the best in yourself. Our wide range of quality oils and condiments for everyone is a source of inspiration for budding foodies and gourmet cooks who want to eat better without compromising on taste.
Certified Products
- This is a process in which non-preheated oilseeds are pressed once, without the addition of heat and at the lowest possible temperature, in order to extract some of the oil they contain. This type of pressing allows to preserve the nutrients of the oilseeds (vitamins, tocopherols, essential fatty acids, pigments etc.) as well as their aromas. The temperature never exceeds 50C during pressing. This heat is the result of the friction created by the worm screw that routes the oilseeds through the press. Then the worm screw grind the oilseeds and tries to expel the oil from them. The extracted oil is then filtered to get rid off the seed residue it contains and then bottled. The term virgin is the equivalent of first cold pressed and can be used for all varieties of oil.
- Because the raw material is only pressed once without the refining operation and at the lowest possible temperature. This manufacturing process offers a greater nutritional and taste quality. By pressing oilseeds only once and while it is cold means that there is still oil in the cake. And also, because the seeds or fruits selected are of better quality therefore more expensive to purchase.
- Extra virgin olive oil can be derived from 2 different processes: 1) cold extraction and 2) the first-cold pressed process The cold extraction involves the malaxing and centrigugation (spinning) of the olive paste so that the oil is extracted in the form of fine droplets agglutinant to each other in order to be harvested. The first cold pressed process uses a hydraulic press which crushes the scourtins (fibre disks) on which the olive paste is extended. It creates a pressure allowing the oil to be harvested. The 2 extraction methods are cold (under 50C, in accordance with the international standard). Nowadays, cold extraction is preferred as a mode of production for olive oil, because it is a cleaner process and allows better control of the manufacturing parameters. The name of olive oils is based on the quality of these and is the subject of a standard developed by the International Olive Oil Council. For example, extra virgin olive oil must demonstrate a free acidity rate of less than 0.8% and comply with specific organoleptic quality criteria.
- First of all, it is important to know that the term used and official is extra-virgin and not extra-virgin. In addition, we often see oils on which the term “extra virgin” is written, but it is important to know that the use of the term extra virgin applies only to olive oil and cannot be used on other oils (you cannot have extra virgin coconut oil, it can only be called virgin). The term extra virgin refers to the best quality of olive oil, the one with the lowest oleic acidity and no organoleptic defects.
- Our olive oils are made from small producers. These are not assemblies made by large consortia in order to balance the taste to the year. This is why olive oil can change from one year to the next. In addition, in the North hemispher, olive oil is pressed from November to the end of January, February, depending on the years. It is then stored in drums under controlled atmosphere. At the beginning of the season, the spice and bitterness of the olives is more noticable, whereas at the end of the season, ripe olives give a softer oil to taste. Like wine, depending on the terroirs and the types of olives the oil will have a different taste.
- This physical and natural phenomenon is due to the presence of natural waxes contained in the envelope of certain seeds (including sunflower). Since we do not overfilter the oils, in order to keep the maximum amount of nutrients, the waxes pass into the oil and form a more or less thick veil. Waxes are more concentrated in oil depending on the age of the seeds, the time of year and the ambient heat at the time of pressing and filtration. The veil or deposit found in the oil is not harmful to health, it is rather a proof of the quality of the process of manufacturing the oil.