Top 5 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Top 5 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

top 5 benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, often overlooked, emerge as a remarkably undervalued source of nutrition in the contemporary world. While their reputation is largely associated with fiber and protein content, as well as their versatile applications in various recipes, delving deeper reveals an array of benefits that make them a nutritional powerhouse. Beyond their convenience as one of the most portable and snack-friendly options for adherents of the paleo and ketogenic diets, pumpkin seeds showcase an impressive nutritional profile that extends far beyond their well-known attributes. From supporting heart health to boosting immune function, pumpkin seeds are a holistic superfood deserving of greater recognition.

1) Healthy Heart 

Magnesium is vitally important mineral for several basic physiological functions, including the creation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the energy molecules of your body), and the synthesis of RNA and DNA.  Magnesium is also important to proper bone and tooth formation, heart health, and proper bowel function, and is necessary to prevent heart dysrhythmia, heart attack, and stroke.  Unfortunately, nearly 80% of Americans are deficient in this important mineral, while heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.  Fortunately, half the daily recommended amount of magnesium can be found in just one-quarter of a cup of pumpkin seeds.

Growing bodies of evidence support that they may also lower cholesterol, which also benefits overall heart health.

2) Antimicrobial Pumpkin Seeds

Studies suggest that pumpkin seeds also exhibit antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-helminthic, and anti-viral properties. Pumpkin seeds also contain Lignans, a polyphenol compound that has also shown antimicrobial, and anti-viral properties in studies

3) Cancer-Related Benefits 

Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which is known to play a key role in the development of some cancers. To combat oxidation, a diet full of antioxidants is optimal for health.  Pumpkin seeds are unique in their composition of antioxidants, which may explain some preliminary data that suggests a decrease in cancer risk associated with their consumption. Pumpkin seed residues have also been found toxic to some forms of melanoma, and other cancers.  

4) Restful Sleep

Pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that precursor to serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin, the “sleep hormone.”  Eating pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed may be especially helpful in getting a good night’s sleep. 

5) Antioxidant Support

Antioxidants are powerful substances which are important to good health and preventing diseases, due to their ability to prevent oxidation of molecules in the body.  The most well-known sources of antioxidants are fresh fruits and vegetables, but they are also abundant and diverse in several varieties of pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds contain many different types of antioxidants. These include mineral antioxidants like zinc and manganese, as well as phenolic antioxidants like Vitamin E  (alpha-tocopherol), and other forms of Vitamin E.  Other forms include gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocomonoenol, and gamma-tocomonoenols. Alpha-tocomonoenol and Gamma-tocomonoenols isomers are relatively new discoveries in Vitamin E research and may offer greater bioavailability than other forms of Vitamin E.  


One Response

  1. […] Pumpkin seeds make for some of the best keto snacks around. But here are 5 benefits of Pumpkin seeds that you never knew before, Read more… […]

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